Particle Mesh Coming
I love the Particle devices. I’ve spent man weeks working with their products, and while not the smallest or most low power, they’re super easy to manage and develop for.
Particle’s next generation is a mesh version, and huge potential for some of my...

Posted on July 19th, 2018
SmartStart with HomeKit and Siri (updated)
If you have a SmartStart remotestarter device, you’ll be surprised to find that your app login is actually an account with LenderOutlook - a device management portal. Go ahead, login and check out your vehicles. Be careful tho, you can do things like...

Posted on July 4th, 2018
Setting up MITMProxy to Inspect App Traffic
Sometimes you may just want to be able to see what exactly an App may be sending to it’s creators. This is a quick “just get it running" how-to style article on setting up mitmproxy on a Digital Ocean droplet based on this write up.

Posted on July 4th, 2018